Welcome to the Zheng Zhou Lab

Exploring Programed Cell Death in C. elegans

About Our Lab

Welcome to the Zhou Lab at Baylor College of Medicine, nestled in the heart of the Chemical, Physical and Structural Biology Program. As an established leader in the field of cell death and cell corpse clearance, our lab offers a unique blend of familial atmosphere and scientific rigor that is ideal for inquisitive graduate students. In our small, close-knit lab family, you will find a supportive environment where every member’s contribution is valued and vital. Our focus is on delving deep into the intricacies of cell death pathways, uncovering novel mechanisms that drive these fundamental biological processes. This journey of discovery is not just about making incremental advances; it's about uncovering the subtle, yet profound secrets of cellular life and death. At the Zhou Lab, you will engage directly in the exploration of uncharted territories of cell biology. This is a place where your intellectual curiosity will be nurtured, your academic skills honed, and your contributions celebrated. We pride ourselves on a collaborative spirit that not only furthers our collective understanding but also fosters your individual growth as a scientist. Joining us means becoming part of a family that is dedicated to understanding the intricacies of cell death and clearance. Here, you won’t just be studying processes; you’ll be at the forefront of discovering new mechanisms that could redefine our understanding of cellular biology. If you are ready to embark on this exciting journey of discovery and contribute to the rich legacy of the Zhou Lab, we warmly invite you to explore with us.

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Recent News:

Additional Funding Secured

Date: June, 2024

Dr. Zhou has been awarded a new R35 MRA funding award!

Additional Funding Secured

Date: Dec 29th, 2023

Dr. Zhou recieved an RO1 supplement which will fund the work of PhD candidate Jonathan Pickett for up to 3 years! Stay tuned to find out how Bridge-Like Lipid Transfer Proteins (BLTPs) modulate plasma membrane lipid content to regulated cell-cell interactions!

Omar is now Dr. Omar!

Date: 22 May, 2023

Dr. Omar Peña-Ramos has graduated and is moving on to a Post-Doc position.

Dr. Omar Peña-Ramos

Award Recognition

Date: May 26, 2022

2nd year graduate student, Jonathan Pickett won 3rd place in the Graduate School Research Symposium Elevator Pitch competition!

From the Labs

Date: May 6, 2021

The Zhou Lab's research was featured in From the Labs: In a cell-eat-cell world calcium ions regulate exposure of ‘eat-me’ signal in necrotic cells. View the Article